Create Assignments for Groups

  1. Open the master work order for the group.

    You can tell that the current work order is a master work order by looking at the Work Center header. The words Master Work Order will be displayed after the work order ID.

  2. Click the Details tab.

  3. Click the New Assignment button in the Assignment area on the right of the page.

    You can also access this option from New Assignment button on the Assign tab.

    The Assignments page opens in New Assignment mode, displaying the current month.

  4. Select the individual you want to assign to this group of work orders.

  5. Create the assignment exactly as you would for any other assignment.

    For complete information on making new assignments, see Creating Assignments.

    The New Assignments window opens, allowing you to specify assignment hours and lead information.

  6. Click Apply.

    Maintenance Connection will create the same assignment for all child records in the group.

    The New Assignment Calendar appears with your new assignment displayed in orange. Since the assignment was made for all work orders in the group, you may note that the total hours assigned for the date reflects the total for all work orders in the group. For example, if you create an assignment for the master record for one hour, and there are six members of the group, the total hours for the date would display six.